About Me

Owner, Fanchon Wellness

Welcome! My name is Anne Sobieralski. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and a Professional Level Mind Body Spirit Release™ Practitioner. I have a Bachelor of Science from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I am passionate about helping others simplify the process of healing so you can live life while healing and thrive.

From a young age I knew helping others was God’s calling for me. I found avenues to do this within the context of my what I was passionate about (from event planning to golf instruction). In 2019 I was feeling unwell - truth be told I had never felt truly well as an adult, but it was in 2019 that I could not ignore my symptoms any longer and sought the help of a Functional Medical Doctor.

Prior to working with this MD I had done extensive personal research on the potential root causes of my symptoms. I was aware of candida (fungal overgrowth) and had used the anti-candida diet for years to reduce the severity of my symptoms. I have done my share of international travel and suspected parasites. Bloodwork showed markers for Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis (not to mention sky-high cortisol - hello type A overachiever/people pleaser) and tested high for heavy metals. When I asked about parasites, I was told it likely was not an issue and took numerous stool tests that came back negative. I proceeded to take a plethora of deficiency supportive supplementation and resumed a strict diet to identify my food sensitivities.

I’ll never forget the day when I had a 6-month check-up. My sentiment was “I feel better, but not well.” It was in this moment I knew I had to take things into my own hands if I wanted to truly heal. Through my research I stumbled across Cellcore Bioscience products and their comprehensive protocol. I started on their comprehensive stages and while I finally saw parasites, I slowly began to feel worse.

A dear friend of mine introduced me to the root cause healing culture on Instagram. I poured over information and became just as encouraged as I did overwhelmed. I came across the book, The Emotion Code and knew this information was going to be an important piece to my healing. I was drawn to the idea of muscle testing as a tool to learn more about what was burdening the body.

After contracting a nasty virus in Fall of 2020, I knew I had to find support that aligned with some of these personal discoveries. I was referred to a muscle testing practitioner, Laura Perry, who helped me tremendously - I had become bedridden (moved home to my parents’ house, quit my job) healing was feeling slow and quite frankly, impossible. Under her guidance, I was able to get out of bed, passing droves of parasites (finally opening my body’s drainage pathways), addressing Lyme bacteria, pulling mold and releasing trapped heavy trauma & emotions from my past (you can learn more about this on my services page).

Within three months, I not only knew I was going to fully heal, I knew I was never going back to the corporate world. God had been clear that this was my purpose and the reason I had endured physical and emotional suffering. Soon after, I was hired as Laura’s assistant and worked as her understudy for 1.5 years (in tandem with receiving my credentials & education) before I opened my services to clients as her Senior Practitioner. Since 2021 I have had the honor of working online with individuals across the globe to help them uncover the root causes and barriers to their healing - which in my own personal story and in the stories of my clients - are often overlooked.

There is a common list of root causes I look at when I consider the barriers or burdens on someone’s path to healing (whether it be physical, environmental, relational, emotional) to support the one’s innate ability to heal. I’ve had the honor (yes, honor) of experiencing many of them myself, and used this as an opportunity to relate to others (and truly my own journey was by biggest source of learning). Working with a practitioner who can look you in the eye and say things like, “I have been there; I know how you feel.” I believe can provide invaluable support. Some of these burdens (not an extensive list) are: Mold Toxicity, Lyme Bacteria, Parasitic Infections, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Hidden Dental Infections, Trapped Trauma and Emotions (stored as non-beneficial energy in the body often blocking the healthy function of cells, organs, meridians and body systems).

Individualized history, nuance, personality, timing and strategy are all factors I consider when looking at someone’s health and the solutions moving forward. I incorporate lifestyle (like timed movement and sunshine), biohacks and phase-driven-supportive supplementation. All of these considerations (identifying root cause burdens for the individual and solutions for healing) are identified by utilizing virtual muscle testing, specifically ideomotor testing.

I am so grateful that a painful journey ended up becoming my greatest purpose. Let’s meet where you are at. I’d love to come alongside you and assist in your healing story. Let’s achieve thriving health together. It’s your job to heal, and it’s mine to help you uncover, re-learn and strategize. In a world where information is hitting us in the face at every turn, let me help you center, simplify and focus your efforts.
